About The Academy

Most of us are like snowflakes trying to be like each other, yet knowing full well that no two snowflakes are ever identical.  If we were to devote the same amount of energy in trying to discover the true self that lies buried deep within our own nature, we would all work harmoniously with life instead of forever fighting it.
William E. Elliot

It is giving me immense pleasure to invite you all to join me in the incredible journey towards the core of  "us". Science has ultimately reached to the conclusion what our sages and scriptures have been saying for centuries. Everything is inside us. Everything which is happening outside is a mere reflection of what’s going on inside. The knowledge and understanding of Thought Energy (functioning of Subconcious Mind), Energy Psychology,Universal Guiding Principles (Laws of Nature) and application of these natural phenomenons will revolutionize the way we live, the way we think and the way we perceive the world around us. It will create a revolution inside us at subtle level, a Micro Revolution. And when that takes place the whole world around us looks better, more productive, compassionate  and positive. Profits and productivity of the corporations' increase; social, personal and professional relationships strengthens; happiness and tranquility takes place. The power lies in the core.  The power lies in knowing ourselves better and synthesizing our lives with the laws of nature for a great, more fulfilling, truly successful and self satisfying life. 

Know Your True Self ™ is primarily a coaching, mentoring, research and development entity in the fields ofHuman Inherent Behaviour, Energy Sciences, Natural Laws of Nature and Energy Psychology.
Its mission is to promote these natural phenomenon and subtle level activities to the masses, which includes every segment of society from professional to  educational institutes,  from corporate to groups and individuals and bridge the gap among  social, material and spiritual aspect of our lives.
We provide our services through workshops and seminars, coaching and counseling, therapy session (both on-line and personal), key-note addresses and speaking assignment, training and mentoring and through our unique Life Coaching System.We are constantly guided and steered by the following Guiding Principles and Beliefs:
  • We all are uniquely unique human beings.
  • We are constantly guided by Universal Principles and Highest Intelligence.
  • Our subconscious mind drives us without our conscious efforts.
  • We each already have all the resources we need to be wise and excellent.
  • We all can choose and create our own lives.
  • The world is a place of abundance.
  • When we are attuned to ourselves and the world around us, magic happens.
  • It takes whole of us in consideration ie. Mind, Body, Heart and Spirit to live a truly successful and worthwhile life.
  • Integrity and character are the most powerful and important ingredients to lead and live a great life.
  • Healths, both mental and physical, are our most important assets.
  • People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.
  • The more you know about vastness and intelligence of the universe, the more humble, effective and in-control you will be.
  • People who deliberately make things complicated are intellectual fools.

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