Jun 29, 2011


David Allen Interview
Top Productivity Guru Shares His Thoughts and Experiences About Entrepreneurship
By Scott Allen, About.com

David Allen, author of "Getting Things Done" and "Ready for Anything"

Meet David Allen, the man Fast Company Magazine called "one of the world's most influential thinkers on productivity". He has coached top executives at Microsoft, New York Life, the World Bank, U.S. Navy, and more. He now travels the world speaking, coaching, and teaching public seminars on productivity.
We caught up with him on a rare weeknight at home, and he shared some particular insights for entrepreneurs, as well as the wisdom of own personal experience building a small business that functions on a global scale.
SA: Your book, Getting Things Done, covers skills that are beneficial to everyone from students to CEO's. What are some of the personal management issues that you see are a particular challenge for entrepreneurs?
DA: The main one is staying focused on both the big picture and the important details.
SA: So, in other words, you still have to do everything?
DA: Well, you have to wear all the hats that get distributed in larger organizations.
SA: Right. And as a result, many entrepreneurs end up as workaholics, not necessarily because that's their personality type, but out of a sense of necessity. How can they avoid that?
DA: What's a workaholic? DA: I ask because working long hours is part of the game...
SA: Fair question. I'd define it as someone who spends so much time at their work that it has a negative impact on other aspects of their life - family, spirituality, personal development. For some people, that may be at 50 hours a week, for others it may be at 80.
DA: Right, but only in the last 100 years in the whole history of the planet have people thought about "work" and "personal life" as separate things. Farmers never have.
SA: For many entrepreneurs, the ability to have flexible hours and to home office is part of the appeal. Many (like me) will see that as a trade-off for the long hours. There has to be some kind of balance you can achieve even when you're first starting out, though, isn't there?
DA: Obviously the balance among all the importances is critical for sustainability of the style of what you're doing. But it would be a mistake for entrepreneurs (or senior executives for that matter) to assume they're not going to have to heed the fire in the belly and all that entails.
SA: And for spouses and family - just hang on and try to enjoy the ride?
DA: Again, it's up to the importances. We must all constantly reevaluate and potentially renegotiate our agreements with ourselves, and many of those include other people.
SA: Your wife is your business partner, as well. I know a lot of our readers also work in husband-and-wife teams. What about that has been most rewarding?
DA: That we really are in this together. Saves a lot of updating and explaining...
SA: What about some of the challenges? How have you overcome them?
DA: We do a lot of work on ourselves, and we share a principle (which we use in our company as well): "we act as if we're all alone in this together."
SA: That's great - I haven't heard that one before. Expand a little more on how that bears out in practice...
DA: You handle yourself, I handle myself, then where two or more are gathered, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
SA: You've obviously got a really tight relationship with your team, which now consists of nine other coaches and two international affiliates working for you. With your reputation at stake, how did you find the right people and turn them into a team you could trust?
DA: They as much found me as I did them. But the key is regular regrouping and conversation at the 40,000-ft level - here's what's driving me, where I'm going. How about you? Does this fit for your path to get there? If not, how can we make it so? Or, how can we elegantly part ways so we're not limiting each other?
SA: You worked for many years just by yourself. What was the decision point to hire your first employee?
DA: Actually I worked with others in small partnerships for most of my career. Six years ago I restructured and put my name on the masthead, with just Kathryn working with me. Our first employee after that was a part-time admin person in the office to offload some of the phone and bookkeeping stuff.
SA: And now you've built a tremendous brand around your persona. How do you extend the power of that brand beyond just you?
DA: Everything that we do reflects the quality, standards, focus, and spin (ideally in the positive sense) of what the brand stands for. I found it was easier to sell a personality than a process, but we've tried to simply use the personality as a vehicle for the message, not an ego thing.

David Allen, author of "Getting Things Done" and "Ready for Anything"
SA: You're very hands-on, I know, in order to maintain that standard of quality. Does that put a self-imposed limit on your growth rate?
DA: Sure, there's a certain type of limit. Frankly, I'm more of a researcher, teacher, motivator, and coach than I am an entrepreneur. Anyway, I'm only willing and interested in growing the size of the business when I have an assurance that the delivery vehicles match the quality of the message. Now, with the book out, I'm willing to do "lite"-r versions of what I do, because I know the real meat is available for those who have ears to hear. So, I'm willing to grow the company as big as it wants to get, but I frankly don't care what that size is. I don't know yet, really, how ready the planet is for my message, and that's the thing I must guard.
SA: I love the fact that in the same breath, you say that you don't care about the size of the company, but talk about global exposure!
DA: It would be rude not to share what I know with those who want to hear it.
SA: LOL! Entrepreneurs are driven by a lot of different things - fame, fortune, ego, frustration with corporate life, a desire to change the world... What's your number one motivator to do what you do?
DA: To maintain an opportunity to extend my energy and love in ways that align with my spiritual values, and provide me with a lifestyle that sustains and expands my freedom and options for experiences and expressions.
SA: Wow! You've obviously thought this out. :)
DA: I did a minute ago...!
SA: OK, I'm going to shift gears on you a bit...
DA: Vrooom.
SA: You're big on figuring out the next step. While understanding that no one answer is going to be right for everyone, what's your take on the next step for people in the following situations:
SA: Still employed and considering starting a business on the side?
DA: If you'll be doing something you'd love to be doing anyway, get started, and don't kid yourself. If you're just thinking you'll putter around with something because it'll make you a little money, don't bother.
SA: Unable to find full-time employment and looking to start their own business?
DA: Do some real thinking and planning about how much $ you have, how much you need, by when, how much you can get, and what your business plan might look like. Too many variables in all that for a simple answer.
SA: Sure, but great answer anyway!
SA: Trying to decide what kind of business to start?
DA: What would be your ideal? What's the closest thing you can see in the immediate realities around you that would lead you in that direction?
SA: Trying to decide how to structure their new business?
DA: Form follows function. How big do you need or want to be, by when? I'd suggest leaner and meaner and add structure as truly necessary. Do it yourself until you can't afford to any more.
SA: Great lead-in to the next one... Looking for financing?
DA: Home equity loan. Cheapest money around.
SA: Looking for their first customer?
DA: Who can they give it away to who'll broadcast it to a great network?
SA: Great advice! OK - I've been all over the place with you on this interview... Any other tidbits you'd particularly like to share with my readers?
DA: Make sure you're asking yourself the right questions at the right intervals… What's the vision? What're the short term goals? How am I doing with all the hats I'm wearing? How're all my projects? What're all my next actions?
SA: Easy questions – not so easy answers! Thanks again for your time.
DA: My pleasure.

Can we motivate others? or we can only inspire them to motivate themselves?

"Can we motivate people? Absolutely not. What we can do is Inspire people to motivate themselves." - That's what it is. 

Many a time we think motivation is enough for people to perform, but the million dollar question is "is it an outside motivation, or inside inspiration" - if it is outside motivation, which generally happens when we see someone fired up on stage, when we hear a enthusiastic speech, when we read a highly charged up book - than this motivation will not remain for long. But if it comes from within - no matters what happens outside, it is there and it will be there.

Many a time the motivators don't even know that they are actually putting people down, in place of firing them up.  Those are the motivator we call - know it all people. What motivates them - their own goals, their own vision and their own egos. Why people will like to deal with us? They want to deal with us because they feel comfortable dealing with us. And when they feel comfortable dealing with us ? - when they realize not how much we know - but how much we care. And caring is an attitude - it cant be learned like a trick - it needs to be established, it needs to be installed within us.
6 minutes ago ·

Many so called leaders, so called motivators talks about things which can be measured, which can be seen as the ultimate measurement of success. For them tangible results are THE MAIN THING. But its not tangible, its intangible which determines success. It is not leaves, it is root that determine the fate of the tree. It is not outside measurable, tangible results but intangible, unseen, attitudes which determines the success. The 10% results outside is the result of 90% work inside. But those so called experts, who are so engrossed in themselves, in their own persona, they outrightly rejects if someone talks about intangibles - they not only deny the fact that intangible are more responsible for success they even discourage people who talk about intangibles. But the truth is when you go up in business, profession or life you go up because of these intangibles and when you go down, you go down also because of these intangibles.

The goal setting to be addressed holistically. People take work problem to family and family problems to work. They are totally connected. What many a time the leadership - the so called leaders - discard this thing apart - they say they value family but actually their action says they value work, goals, results only. How can someone be connected to those who say something and do something else. Goal setting is important - very important but the way it is being approached is equally important. We need to have the holistic approach to goal setting not the dry, one-sided workaholic approach.

Good leaders create Leaders and bad leaders create followers. Good leaders create leaders and get out of their way and bad leaders when they see someone comes closer to their leadership title they get de-motivated and actually feel insecure. Good leaders are secure enough to praise wholeheartedly, encourage enthusiastically and feel compassionately but insecure leaders  are so engrossed with limelight and self-centretedness that they don't even realize that their insecurity and indifferent attitude is actually putting peopl down.
Another important aspect to be put into perspective is one of the most preached and most avoided concept, specially by so called leaders that - it is our credibility determine our profitability. which is not only money, material success, position but good will - which is more important. It is character, trust, integrity and intention rather than enthusiasm, charm, domination.

There is a huge difference between character and reputation. reputation is we do the right things so that we cannot not be caught, character is we do things when even nobody sees or know we did that. If we do things with the intentions of not being caught we are doing the right things with wrong reasons and if we do the right things even when nobody knows that we have done it,  we are doing the right things for right reasons. Reputation is what other know of us and character is what we know who we are.

Character always catches up with reputation - sooner or later.
Just have a look around you and feel this paradox - many of the leaders who have everything - power, enthusiasm, charm, knowledge and influence (the outer 10%) which they teach and believe is required for success - still not as successful as they can be - on the other hand there are many of the real successful leaders who by default or by will operate from (the inner 90%) inside and are more ahead than their so intellectual, knowledgeable, powerful, influensive counterparts. 

This observation will tell us what really matter, the 10% outer, the visible, the tangible or 
90% inner. the invisible, the intangible.


Mahesh Sharma
Live Inside-Out

Inspired by a speech by Mr. Shiv Khere posted on one of friends wall