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Speaking Assignments /
Keynote Addresses
Mr. Mahesh Sharma will be speaking on the following Topics
(All sessions are between 2 to 3 hours)
For downloading the Speaking Assignment Page in PDF please click here.
- EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) - The Ancient Wonder of Modern World. The most trusted brand in the Energy Psychology field. Whether its emotional scar, self image problem, any physical challenge or any phobias, fears, limiting beliefs and anythings else, EFT uses the body's energy system to provide the cure.
- Emotional Intelligence (EI) - It is as important as IQ - or most of the times More important than IQ. How to know, develop and apply EI. How to identify negative emotions and how to be master of them. Understand about emotional health and why it is the springboard to self confidence.

- Attract Abundance, Success & Prosperity - Its within you - We attract everything from good to worse to us : how to know the secret to attract the life we want. See the Law of Attraction in action. Know the secret of the ancient secret.
- Motivational Seminar - Spice up your next training conference / event or schedule a specific event for the motivation of the most valuable asset a corporation has - its employees.
- Developing the inner leader - We all have what it takes to be a leader. The only requirement is to know this fact and develop that inner leader inside-out. Leadership is finding your voice and help others in finding theirs. Leadership is conveying the potential of the people, which they themselves can't see in such a way that they start believing it.
- The speed of trust - Do you know TRUST is the foundation of any relationship. Integrity is the basis of trust................ it is the one quality than cannot be acquired, but must be earned. It is given by followers and coworkers, and without it the leader can't function. Understand how to be trustworthy, how to trust others and why it is the fastest way to achieve success in any field.
- Today Matters : Enjoy the present moment - Celebrating the Now - The present moment is the only factual moment. If we can learn to enjoy present moment, we can build great future. If we can learn to stay in the present moment we can increase our productivity, our success and ofcourse we can achiever our true goal.
Meditation amidst Chaos - You heard about meditation, know it is very beneficial, understand this is required but not able to do it. You know why most people not able to do the meditation. Understand the actual meaning of meditation. Know that it doesn't always require a lonely, peaceful and calm place. Know that you don't need to stop thinking, go into alpha and lots more..... Know the actualy meaning of meditation and how to be in meditative state even in crowd.
- Create time in place of manage time - A paradigm shift in Time Management. A holistic approach to how to create more time instead of always managing the time. Its a shift in mindset. We will be discussing the common time killing activities, how to use a planner, how to schedule your priorities inplace of prioritizing your scheduled.
- Be the change - If we want to see the change, we need to BE THE CHANGE. Whenever we see the need of change in the outer world, there is something which is needed to be changed in us. A complete paradigm shift which leaves no room for blaming and victimization.
- The value of Friendship - What it means to be a friend - Value of friendship. How to take care of friendship factor. What is the importance of friends in life. How to cultivate friendships. And lots more about this beutiful gift of Friendship.
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to Book Mahesh Sharma for Conferences / Seminars /Events

- No Defeat Is final - Bounce back - Every adversity hold a seed for bigger and better opporutnity. Whenever the adversity strikes, watch out for hidden options to grow, to learn and to move ahead with greater experience. How to tackle difficult situations. How to rise as a winner with greater experience.
- Open your Unopened birth gifts - We all have it within but most of us look for them outside. Stop looking outside, see inside and you will be astonished to find out the incredible gifts lying there unopened. The moment you realise that, its a eureka moment and a true turning point of your life.
- Find your true purpose in life - If we know our "WHY", "HOW" will take care of itself. Most of us don't even know what we are aiming at. And if we know what we are aiming at, most of us accept the way as our destination. Know how knowing your true purpose of life brings actual peace, prosperity and success. Learn to hear voice of your Conscience and follow your heart.
- Your SOCIAL IMAGE cannot be more than your self image - This is why we need to work on our self-image more rather than our social image. How to uplift our self-image, and how to help other uplift their self-image.
- Discover the role of four intelligences : why to depend on only mental intelligence only. These are the intelligences which plays a very vital role in our success at home and at work. If we can know them, we can also do work to optimize those intelligences. These intelligences are birth gift to us and most of them we take for granted.
- Know your true self - The Inherent Behaviour Traits (IBTs) - Becuase our IBTs influence our almost all habits, from driving habits to sleeping habits, from work performance to relationshis and even our decision making. Knowing and understanding our Inherent Behaviour Traits, which are like colour of our eyes, that never change and remain with us throught your life,
- Choose your words vary cautiosly - Power of words - Words are to be used carefully, They can make or break you. The words you choose to describe yourself, situations and others are very very powerful. They can take you to heights of success or drown you in the ocean of failure. Here you will know how to choose and deliver the words and lots more .........................
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to Book Mahesh Sharma for Conferences / Seminars /Events
Some Live Videos of the
keynote addresses / speeches/ workshop
Some Live Testimonial from the
Participants of workshops
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to Book Mahesh Sharma for Conferences / Seminars /Events
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