Corporate Programme
(1) Have a Life, Not Just a Lifestyle***. (Download the Brochure)
Duration: 2 Days. 16 Hours. Eight Sessions.Category : Work-life Balance, Achieving Personal Excellence,
This comprehensive workshop not only specializes in Work-Life balance and Achieving Personal Excellence but also provides the ***holistic approach to stress management, conflict resolution and role of values & ethics in the organization
This program not only aligns the participants with their true being but also empowers them with practical techniques to follow in the time of actual situation. It’s a power packed program which gradually addresses and challenges participants’ current mindsets and belief systems with enough logical and scientific explanation so as to prepare them to shift to the TRULY RIGHT mindsets and belief systems and that too without preaching or usual dry technical teachings.
Achieving work-life balance is a major challenge today. The individual who has a fulfilling life is generally the more productive and positive individual. Being out of balance can affect work performance, creativity, relationships and productivity. The workshop is designed to make the participant know and understand their true self, clearing their emotional blockages, installing positive beliefs, understanding the connection among mind, body and soul, align their lives as per the Universal Laws of nature and Have a LIFE, not Just a Lifestyle. The workshop also introduces EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) - The most trusted brand name in the field of Energy Psychology.
***This workshop is also available in Three Day Module, 24 Hours with Six Sessions.
(2) Win Big with People. (Download the Brochure)
Duration: 8 Hrs. Four sessions.Category: Personality Development, People Skills, Dealing with different personalities.
This program caters to the specific needs of :
Sales Force Front Line Employees
Insurance Advisors / Managers Network Marketing Professionals
HR Personnel People at Leadership Positions
Upcoming Leaders Any one who deals with people in any capacity
Objective of the Workshop! The workshop is all about knowing and understanding different personality patterns, recognizing and work on the actual strength and weaknesses of different personalities, how to smoothly get along with others and be more effective and productive, how to establish effective communication and build rapport with clients, customers and anyone else who really matters.
***Customization of the workshop as per the requirements of the organization is also facilitated.We live in the world with people: At home, at work, in society, everywhere. Our professional & social life greatly depends on how smoothly we get along with people around us. And the inability to get along with others will create challenges in family, in corporations, in society. All other things being equal, the ability to get along with people is the single most required, trusted & demanded quality, whether it’s a leadership position, Human Resource Development, a sales job or a position of counselor or coach.
This workshop not only provides the participants the understanding and knowledge of their basic personality patterns but also equip them to observationally identify those patterns in others and build great relationships, close more sales, earn more trust, create great teams and, last but not the least become a ‘master people person’.
(3) Have a Life, Not Just a Lifestyle*** (For Couples).
Duration: 1 Day. 8 Hours. Eight Sessions.
This workshop is designed to keep the fact in mind that our personal life affects our professional lives - no matters how hard we try to keep these two fields separate. A fulfilling and loving relationship with the life partner at home not only impacts but also plays a very important role in productivity and performance at work, whether both of them work or one of them manages home. The workshop imparts and shares the basic and innermost understanding on how to manage, express and clarify the emotions and feelings, which provides the base of all our activities, motivation, advancement and performance. The specialty of the workshop is, it takes into account the individual point of view of both the parties involved and provides them the opportunity to understand each other from within.
Spending one day in an altogether different environment, contemplating on relationships, laughing and learning together, understanding each other’s inner sides, knowing what’s really important to them is definitely a rare experience for a couple in the times of reports, travelling, deadlines and targets.
***This workshop is also available in Two Day Module, 16 Hours with Eight Sessions.
(3) General Motivation Seminar.
Duration : 7 Hrs. Four sessions of 90 mins each (Excluding breaks).
Special motivation seminar for Corporate to provide them a much needed motivational and inspirational push and a much desired fun break from the work. The seminar is a mix of information, excitement, fun and entertainment with a motive to relax them.
***This workshop can also be spread in two days of four sessions each.
(4) Know Your True Self Workshop.
Duration: 8 Hrs. Four sessions.
Special base workshop for Corporate and Individuals to know & understand our inborn temperaments, energy science and universal principals & their influence on our lives. This is a comprehensive interactive workshop imparts knowledge about the practical use of the important information with lots of practical session, exercises and discussions. The workshop is designed in such a way the it imparts the most basic knowledge & information in a very humorous, detailed and exciting way. This workshop also empowers the participants to use this vital information in their professional and personal lives for the better harmony and productivity. Customization of the workshop as per the requirements of the organization is also facilitated.
***Customization of the workshop as per the requirements of the organization is also facilitated.
(5) Feel The Inner Silence.
(1) Duration : 1 Day. 8 Hours. Four sessions. (2) Duration : 4 Hours. Two sessions.The workshop cover the subjects like understanding the power of silence, how to connect with the highest intelligence and synthesize our lives with nature. The program also includes exclusive sessions on Guided, Dynamic & Music Meditation, understanding the holistic nature of our body, the ultimate connection of body, mind and soul and realization of ultimate inner power. This is an empowering workshop and participants will feel totally liberated and connected to the highest intelligence.
(6) Achieving Personal Excellence.
Duration: 2 Days. 16 Hours. Eight Sessions.
The program designed with an aim to encourage participants to examine some of the fundamental issue relating to their meaningful existence and personal growth. The objective is to help participants understand fundamental issue in happiness, growth and prosperity. The program also inculcates the knowledge of self from the Inborn Behaviour Traits perspective, from emotional management point of view and from personal excellence point of view. It encompasses clearing of unresolved negative emotions, installation of positive attitude, solving interpersonal conflicts, connection to higher self and aligning our lives with the timeless and universal laws of nature. The workshop is fun-filled and light but dealing with some very important aspects of the human potential.
(7) Leadership Through Conscience.
Duration: 2 Days. 16 Hours. Eight Sessions.The program is designed to put leadership into perspective. Describing difference leadership styles and their impacts on the team. Putting Servant Leadership into action, the unique approach to leadership. The workshop consist of module to knowing self, understanding the strengths and areas to work upon, inculcate combination of empathy, directives and inspiration. It will clearly state the role of conscience and trust to form an effective leader. After the workshop the participants will look towards leadership in an entirely different way.
The workshop also emphasise the need of Emotional intelligence to be embedded in an organizations systems to affect the culture. From the employee interview to team - must be defined using an emotional intelligence model. we have reached a point in our understanding of the role of emotions in leadership, employee motivation and productivity.that leaders must pay closer attention to the role of emotions in effective leaddership. It is the time for emotional and social intelligence to stop being referred to as “soft skills” or “people skills” so that they are no longer optional in the training of leaders. Leadership is emotional – building trust, inspiring, enthusing, and engaging employees -- and to do this effectively, leaders must be self-aware. Fear, stress, gossip and emotional acting out must be brought to the surface and worked through to find out what the actual issues are. High performance organizations cannot exist without them.
***This workshop is also available in 1 Day Module, 8 Hours with Four Sessions.
(8) Stress Management and Interpersonal Effectiveness.
Duration: 2 Days. 16 Hours. Eight Sessions.
The workshop is designed to primarily deal with the complex issues like stress and anger management, frustration and jealousy, coping with low self esteem and inferiority complex. Special focus is on emotional excellence and emotion management. The program discusses in details about energy psychology and EFT. The emphasis will also be on interpersonal relationships and its impact on productivity and personal and professional lives. The workshop comprises of many practical exercises, role plays and thorough question-answer session.
***This workshop is also available in One Day Module, 8 Hours with Four Sessions.
(9) Ethical Winning.
Duration: 2 Days. 16 Hours. Eight Sessions.
The program is designed to showcase the importance and effect of Ethics and Values in an organization. It provides much needed support to the core belief system of Ethics and values, universal laws like laws of cause and effect, law of lease effort and law of pure potentiality. The program also focus on clearing the emotional blockages, developing a sense of empathy, living life in alignment with nature and working according to the inner compass. The participants will understand and start believing the holistic nature of success and winning.
***This workshop is also available in One Day Module, 8 Hours with Four Sessions.
(10) Wellness Workshop with Top Executive & Spouses.
Duration: 1 Day. 8 Hours. Four Sessions.
Introduces the concept of emotional health and its heavy impact on our physical and mental health. The program focuses on relationship issues, bond and trust, expression of feelings, giving space and their impact on overall health. The workshop also includes information on difference in perspective of both the sexes and their stress and anger management styles. Health tips, measuring BMI, self preventive health care management and holistic approach to healthy living. The workshop is specially designed for couples.
(11) Character Building Workshop Building for Children.
Duration: 1 Day. 8Hours. Four Sessions.
The workshop is designed for children of the age group of 13-18 yrs. It provides the much needed understanding of character in a child’s life. The participants will have a clear cut understanding of Ethic and Values and their effects on their career, friendship, respect in society and further growth. The workshop emphasizes in a very light and fun-filled manner the importance of character building and value education in children’s ultimate success. The workshop introduces the ICEBERG principal to children for their better understanding of ultimate truth.
PS :
Ø We love to customised the programs as per the needs of your esteemed entity.
Ø Please refer event calender for forthcoming seminars and workshops.
Ø All events organised by Smart Emotional Excelence.
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