Programs for Educational

 Program for Students

Discover Inner Excellence. ( on inner self, outer personality will take care of itself) -
Duration : 4 Hours

Exclusive workshop for personality development of students. The program looks each individual as per their inherent behaviour and encourages them to look deep inside and make the required changes to have a long lasting impact on outer personality.  A very powerful seminar on Personality Development for students. 

Find Your Voice. - (.....kaabil bano kaamyabi apne aap peeche aayegi). 

Duration : 4 Hours.  Age Group : 18-25 Yrs.

Exclusive seminar for discovering and identifying the real purpose of life, so as to generate passion for task at hand.  The seminar encourages and challenges the students to find their true purpose of life and work towards that so as to have a life of success and satisfaction. A very powerful seminar which brings out the best in the participants and encourage them to leader a purpose driven life. 

Empowering Youth Workshop. – (Special empowerment workshop for Students).

Duration : 6 Hours . Exclusive workshop for imbibing universal principles, ethics and leadership in our budding talents. To give them hands on information and experience of how they can win big in life by adopting effective habits of successful people. A very powerful seminar which emphasize, elaborate and encourage them to inculcate the basics of a great life. 

 Program for Faculty

Know Your True Self  Base Workshop.
Duration : 1 day, 8 Hrs. (Can be done in two days 4 hrs each) 

Special base workshop for teachers to know & understand our inborn temperaments, energy science and universal principals & their influence on our lives. This is a comprehensive interactive workshop imparts knowledge about the practical use of the important information with lots of practical session, exercises and discussions. This workshop also empowers the participants to use this vital information in their professional and personal lives for the better harmony and productivity. Customization of the workshop as per the requirements of organization is also facilitated.


Achieving Personal Excellence

Duration : 1 Day.  8 Hours.  Four Sessions. (Can be done in two days 4 hrs each) 

The program designed with an aim to encourage participants to examine some of the fundamental issue relating to their meaningful existence and personal growth.  The objective is to help participants understand fundamental issue in happiness, growth and prosperity. The program also inculcates the knowledge of self from the Inborn Behavior Traits perspective, from emotional management point of view and from personal excellence point of view.  It encompasses clearing of unresolved negative emotions, installation of positive attitude, solving interpersonal conflicts, connection to higher self and aligning our lives with the timeless and universal laws of nature.  The workshop is fun-filled and light but dealing with some very important aspects of the human potential.

For more specialized programs for TEACHERS & STUDENTS, Click
All workshops are Organised by Smart Emotional Excelence.

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